λ-Calculus, Combinatory Logic and Cartesian Closed Categories

Posted on April 4, 2021 by Thomas Mahler


Recently I read the very interesting Compiling to Categories paper by Conal Elliot.

He presents the idea to compile haskell programs into expressions of cartesian closed categories by λ-elimination. These expressions can then be used for different purposes like alternative program evaluation, graphic representation of program graphs, designing hardware layouts for algorithms, etc.

The λ-elimination process applied reminded me a lot of the bracket abstraction used when compiling λ-terms to SKI-Combinators.

In the following I’m having a closer look at the parallels between compiling lambda to CCC and compiling lambda to SKI-combinators

Lambda Calculus

I assume at least a rough familiarity with the λ-calculus. If you need a refresher I recommend the chapter on λ-calculus in Stephen Diels excellent Write You a Haskell.

Instead of the classical notation of lambda terms I’ll use the equivalent Haskell notation throughout this post. So instead of writing λx.x a I’ll write \x -> x a.

Bracket Abstraction in Combinatory Logic

The SKI combinator calculus is a combinatory logic, a computational system that may be perceived as a reduced version of the untyped lambda calculus. It can be thought of as a computer programming language […] because it is an extremely simple Turing complete language. It was introduced by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry.

Quoted from Wikipedia

λ-terms can be converted to variable free SKI combinator terms with a process called bracket abstraction. Bracket abstraction absCL is defined by the following equations (given in pseudo Haskell notation, as pattern matching on functions is not possible in Haskell):

absCL (\x -> x)   = i
absCL (\x -> y)   = k y
absCL (\x -> p q) = s (\x -> p) (\x -> q)

where the combinators i, k and s are defined as follows (these are valid haskell definitions):

i :: a -> a
i x = x

k :: a -> b -> a
k x y = x

s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
s p q x = p x (q x)  

Please note that i is identical to id and k is identical to const from the Haskell Prelude.

Once the λ-terms are compiled to combinator terms, these terms can be interpreted quite efficiently as they don’t contain any variables and so no environment-handling is needed.

Combinator terms also allow to apply several more advanced interpretation techniques like graph-reduction, node-sharing, parallel reduction, etc.

For a very cool demo have a look at the web assembly based graph reduction engine by Ben Lynn.

Cartesian Closed Categories (CCC)

In his famous paper Compiling to Categories Conal Elliot describes a way to compile from simply typed lambda-calculus terms to cartesian closed categories(CCC).

At the core of his approach sits a transformation from lambda-terms to CCC expressions that are done by eliminating variables by an abstraction function absCCC (again in pseudo-Haskell):

absCCC (\x -> x)   = id
absCCC (\x -> y)   = const y
absCCC (\x -> p q) = apply . ((\x -> p) △ (\x -> q))

Where (△) is introduced by the Cartesian category:

class Category k => Cartesian k where
  (△) :: (a `k` c) -> (a `k` d) -> (a `k` (c, d))

In the (->) instance of Cartesian (△) is defined as:

(△):: (t -> a) -> (t -> b) -> t -> (a, b)
(f △ g) x = (f x, g x)

And where apply is introduced by the Closed category:

class Cartesian k => Closed k where
  apply :: ((a -> b), a) `k` b

In the (->) instance of Closed apply is defined as

apply :: (a -> b, a) -> b
apply (f, x) = f x

The function absCCC looks surprisingly similar to the absCL function defined above. The first two pattern matches are obviously equivalent as i and id are identical as well as k y and const y.

But what about the third clause? We have:

-- on the one hand: abstracting lambda-terms to combinator expresssions:
absCL (\x -> p q) = s (\x -> p) (\x -> q)

-- and on the other: abstracting lambda-terms to CCC expressions:
absCCC (\x -> p q) = apply . ((\x -> p) △ (\x -> q))

Are these two definitions equal?

By eliminating all variables from the term apply . ((\x -> p) △ (\x -> q)) we can write it as a combinator s' with variables p, q, x:

s' p q x = (apply . (p △ q)) x

Now we can apply equational reasoning:

s' p q x = (apply . (p △ q)) x   
         = apply ((p △ q) x)     -- by definition of (.)
         = apply (p x, q x)      -- by definition of (△)
         = (p x) (q x)           -- by definition of apply        

This equals the definition of the s combinator:

s p q x = (p x) (q x)

So we can conclude that the transformations from λ-calculus to SKI-combinators and CCC are equivalent.

For me this was a new insight. But it seems that I was not the first to discover this: P.-L. Curien presents a much more elaborate proof of this correspondence in his classic paper Categorical Combinators. See also Cartesian Closed Categories and Lambda-Calculus.

Nexts steps

In my next blog post I will have a closer look at a CCC based execution model for a subset of Haskell.