Writing a Haskell persistence layer using Generics and Reflection

Posted on January 21, 2023 by Thomas Mahler


In this post I’ll describe how to write a minimalistic Haskell persistence layer (on top of HDBC). My approach will rely heavily on Generics (Data.Data, Data.Typeable) and Reflection (Type.Reflection).

The design goal is to avoid any boilerplate code.

Please note: I received some helpful feedback on this post. I have now updated the code to reflect the suggestions. So the code in this post is now outdated. Please refer to the GitHub repository for the latest version.


The functional goal of my persistence layer is to provide hassle-free RDBMS persistence for Haskell data types in Record notation (for brevity I call them Entities).

That is, it must provide means for inserting, updating, deleting and quering such enties to/from relational databases.

Not in scope for the current state of the library are things like:

So as of now it’s just about the bare minimum to get some data into a database and to get it back out again.

The main design goal is to minimize the boilerplate code required. Ideally I would like to achieve the following:

In an ideal world we would be able to take any POHO (Plain old Haskell Object) and persist it to any RDBMS without any additional effort.

Short demo

Here now follows a short demo that shows how the library looks and feels from the user’s point of view.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable#-}
module Main (main) where

import Data.Data ( Data )
import TypeInfo ( typeInfo ) 
import GenericPersistence( delete, persist, retrieveAll, retrieveById )
import Database.HDBC (disconnect, runRaw, commit) 
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 ( connectSqlite3 )

-- | define a data type with several fields, using record syntax.
data Person = Person
  { personID :: Int
  , name :: String
  , age :: Int
  , address :: String
  } deriving (Data)

The persistent data type must be deriving the Data.Data type class. This is required to enable all the Generics magic to work behind the scenes. Fortunately, deriving Data needs no manual implementation, we get it for free by enabling DeriveDataTypeable.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- initialize Person table
    conn <- connectSqlite3 "sqlite.db"
    runRaw conn "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Person;"
    runRaw conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Person (personID INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT, address TEXT);"
    commit conn

As of now my library does not cover the creation of database tables. So this is still a manual step. As already mentioned, the library does not cover any user defined mapping of data type attributes to columns. As of now the same names for the attributes and the columns are used. For the column types we are choosing types that can be automatically converted by HDBC.

Now we move on to using the actual library functions:

    -- create a Person entity
    let alice = Person {personID = 123456, name = "Alice", age = 25, address = "Elmstreet 1"}

    -- insert a Person into a database
    persist conn alice

    -- update a Person
    persist conn alice {address = "Main Street 200"}  
    -- select a Person from a database
    -- The result type must be provided explicitly, as `retrieveById` has a polymorphic return type `IO a`.
    alice' <- retrieveById conn "123456" :: IO Person

    -- delete a Person from a database
    delete conn alice'
    -- close connection
    disconnect conn

And here comes the output of the demo program. As you can see, there is some trace output for each of the database operations.

ghci> main
Inserting Person 123456 "Alice" 25 "Elmstreet 1"
Updating Person 123456 "Alice" 25 "Main Street 200"
Retrieve Person with id 123456
Deleting Person with id 123456

Summarizing, we can state that there is virtually no boilerplate code required in the user code. The only thing we have to do is to derive the Data type class for our persistent data types. The library takes care of the rest.

A deeper dive into the library

The persist function

In this section we are taking a closer look at the library internals. Let’s start with the persist function:

-- | A function that persists an entity  to a database.
-- The function takes an HDBC connection and an entity as parameters.
-- The entity is either inserted or updated, depending on whether it already exists in the database.
-- The required SQL statements are generated dynamically using Haskell generics and reflection
persist :: (IConnection conn, Data a) => conn -> a -> IO ()
persist conn entity = do
  resultRows <- quickQuery conn selectStmt []
  case resultRows of
    [] -> do
      trace $ "Inserting " ++ gshow entity
      runRaw conn insertStmt
      commit conn
    [_singleRow] -> do
      trace $ "Updating " ++ gshow entity
      runRaw conn updateStmt
      commit conn
    _ -> error $ "More than one entity found for id " ++ show eid
    ti = typeInfo entity
    eid = entityId entity
    selectStmt = selectStmtFor ti eid
    insertStmt = insertStmtFor entity
    updateStmt = updateStmtFor entity
-- | A function that returns the primary key value of an entity as a String.    
entityId :: forall d. (Data d) => d -> String
entityId x = fieldValueAsString x (idColumn (typeInfo x))

The overall logic of this function is as follows:

  1. Perform a select query against the table corresponding to type a to check whether a record is already present for the primary key value derived from entity.
  2. If the list of resulting rows is empty, the entity has not been persisted before and an INSERT-statement has to be excecuted.
  3. If the list contains exactly one row, the entity already was stored in the DB and an UPDATE-statement has to be executed.
  4. If the list contains more than one row, something is wrong and an error is thrown.

The selectStmtFor, insertStmtFor and updateStmtFor functions are used to generate the required SQL statements dynamically.

Inserting an entity

Let’s start with insertStmtFor as it is the simplest one.

Let’s say we have a Person entity:

alice :: Person
alice = Person {personID = 123456, name = "Alice", age = 25, address = "Elmstreet 1"}

Then the corresponding insert statement is:

INSERT INTO Person (id, name, age, address) VALUES (123456, "Alice", 25, "Elmstreet 1");

So in order to generate the insert statement we need to know the table name, the column names and the values. The idea is to use Haskell Generics to obtain these from the entity instance. As of now I’m using the type- and attribute-names directly as column names. But this could be easily changed later on. The tricky business is to dynamically inspect the entity instance and extract the values of the attributes.

So here comes the code for insertStmtFor:

insertStmtFor :: Data a => a -> String
insertStmtFor x =
    ++ typeName x
    ++ " ("
    ++ intercalate ", " (fieldNames x)
    ++ ") VALUES ("
    ++ intercalate ", " (fieldValues x)
    ++ ");"

The overall construction of the insert statement is obvious. We just need to know a bit more about the typeName, fieldNames and fieldValues functions from the TypeInfo module:

-- | A function that returns the (unqualified) type name of an entity.
typeName :: (Data a) => a -> String
typeName = dataTypeName . dataTypeOf

The typeName function uses the dataTypeOf :: a -> DataType function of the Datatype class to obtain the type of a Datainstance.

-- | A function that take an entity as input paraemeter and returns a list of 
--   Strings representing the values of all fields of the entity.
--   Example: fieldValues (Person "John" 42) = ["John", "42"]
fieldValues :: (Data a) => a -> [String]
fieldValues = gmapQ gshow

The function fieldValues is a bit more tricky. It uses the gmapQ function from the Data.Data module to map the gshow function over all attributes of the entity. The gshow function is a generic version of the show function that works on any Data instance. If you want to know more about gmapQ and gshow, you can read Chris Done’s Typeable and Data in Haskell.

To understand the fieldNames function, we need to take a look at TypeInfo and FieldInfo first:

-- | A data type that holding information about a type. The Phantom type parameter `a` ensures type safety.
data TypeInfo a = TypeInfo
  { -- | The constructors of the type.
    typeConstructor :: Constr,
    -- | The fields of the type.
    typeFields      :: [FieldInfo]
  deriving (Show)

-- | A data type that holds information about a field of a data type.
data FieldInfo = FieldInfo
  { -- | The name of the field, Nothing if it has none.
    fieldName        :: Maybe String,
    -- | The constructor of the field.
    fieldConstructor :: Constr,
    -- | The type of the field.
    fieldType        :: TypeRep
  deriving (Show)  

A TypeInfo can be obtained from an entity using the typeInfo function:

typeInfo :: Data a => a -> TypeInfo a
typeInfo x =
    { typeConstructor = toConstr x,
      typeFields = fieldInfo x

Where toConstr :: a -> Constr is a function from the Data type class that returns the constructor of a Data a instance; and fieldInfo is a function that returns the list of FieldInfo instances for a given entity:

-- | A function that returns a list of FieldInfos representing the name, constructor and type of each field in the data type `a`.
fieldInfo :: (Data a) => a -> [FieldInfo]
fieldInfo x = zipWith3 FieldInfo names constrs types
    constructor = toConstr x
    candidates = constrFields constructor
    constrs = gmapQ toConstr x
    types = gmapQ typeOf x
    names :: [Maybe String] =
      if length candidates == length constrs
        then map Just candidates
        else replicate (length constrs) Nothing

The fieldInfo function uses the constrFields :: Constr -> [String] function from the Data type class to obtain the names of the fields of the constructor of the entity. If type a is a record type, the names of the fields are returned. Otherwise an empty list is returned. This list of candidate field names then used to create a list names of Maybe String values . If the length of the candidate list is equal to the length of the list of actual field constructors, the entity is a record type and the candidate names are used. Otherwise the list of names is filled with Nothing values.

The gmapQ function is used to map the toConstr and typeOf functions over the entity to obtain the constructors and types of the fields.

Finally the zipWith3 function is used to combine the three lists into a list of FieldInfo instances.

Now back to the fieldNames function:

-- | A function that returns the list of field names of an entity of type `a`.  
fieldNames :: (Data a) => a -> [String]
fieldNames = fieldNamesFromTypeInfo . typeInfo

-- | A function that returns the list of field names of a `TypeInfo a` object.
--   An error is thrown if the type does not have named fields.
fieldNamesFromTypeInfo :: TypeInfo a -> [String]
fieldNamesFromTypeInfo ti = map (expectJust errMsg . fieldName) (typeFields ti)
    errMsg = "Type " ++ tiTypeName ti ++ " does not have named fields"

The fieldNames function uses the typeInfo function to obtain the TypeInfo instance for the entity and then maps the fieldNamesFromTypeInfo function over all type fields to obtain the list of field names.

This is all tooling that we need to generate the insert statement for an entity by dynamically inspecting its type information. This statement is then used to insert the entity into the database by using the HDBC API.

Updating an entity

The update statement is generated in a similar way. The only difference is that we need to know the primary key of the entity in order to generate the WHERE clause of the update statement.

-- | A function that returns an SQL update statement for an entity. Type 'a' must be an instance of Data.
updateStmtFor :: Data a => a -> String
updateStmtFor x =
    ++ typeName x
    ++ " SET "
    ++ intercalate ", " updatePairs
    ++ " WHERE "
    ++ idColumn ti
    ++ " = "
    ++ fieldValueAsString x (idColumn ti)
    ++ ";"
    updatePairs = zipWith (\n v -> n ++ " = " ++ v) (fieldNames x) (fieldValues x)
    ti = typeInfo x

The primary key column is obtained using the idColumn function:

-- | A function that returns the name of the primary key column for a type 'a'.
--  By convention we are using the following name: convert the type name to lower case and append "ID".
idColumn :: TypeInfo a -> String
idColumn ti = map toLower (tiTypeName ti) ++ "ID"

The fieldValueAsString function takes an entity and a field name as input parameters and returns the value of the field as a String:

-- | A function that takes an entity and a field name as input parameters and returns the value of the field as a String.
--  Example: fieldValueAsString (Person "John" 42) "name" = "John"
--  Example: fieldValueAsString (Person "John" 42) "age" = "42"
--  if the field is not present in the entity, an error is thrown.
fieldValueAsString :: Data a => a -> String -> String
fieldValueAsString x field =
  valueList !! index
    fieldList = fieldNames x
    valueList = fieldValues x
    index =
        ("Field " ++ field ++ " is not present in type " ++ typeName x)
        (elemIndex field fieldList)

-- | A function that take an entity as input parameter and returns a list of 
--   Strings representing the values of all fields of the entity.
--   Example: fieldValues (Person "John" 42) = ["John", "42"]
fieldValues :: (Data a) => a -> [String]
fieldValues = gmapQ gshow

Selecting an entity

Creating a select query with selectStmtFor works slightly different than insertStmtFor and updateStmtFor. When creating a SELECT statement we don’t have an entity to inspect. Instead we need to know the type of the entity and the primary key value of the entity we want to select. That’s why we need to pass the type information and the primary key value as parameters to the selectStmtFor function:

-- | This function takes a `TypeInfo` object and a primary key value as input parameters and returns a select statement for the entity.
selectStmtFor :: (Show id) => TypeInfo a -> id -> String
selectStmtFor ti eid =
    ++ intercalate ", " (fieldNamesFromTypeInfo ti)
    ++ " FROM "
    ++ tiTypeName ti
    ++ " WHERE "
    ++ idColumn ti
    ++ " = "
    ++ show eid
    ++ ";"

-- | A function that returns the (unqualified) type name of `a` from a `TypeInfo a` object.
tiTypeName :: TypeInfo a -> String
tiTypeName = dataTypeName . constrType . typeConstructor    

Apart from tiTypeName we have already seen all the other ingredients of the selectStmtFor function.

The retrieveById function

The retrieveById function is the counterpart of the persist function. It takes a connection and a primary key value as input parameters and returns the entity with the given primary key value. If no unique entity with the given primary key value exists, an error is thrown.

-- | A function that retrieves an entity from a database.
--   The function takes an HDBC connection and an entity id as parameters.
--   It returns the entity of type `a` with the given id.
--   An error is thrown if no such entity exists or if there are more than one entity with the given id.
retrieveById :: forall a conn id. (Data a, IConnection conn, Show id) => conn -> id -> IO a
retrieveById conn eid = do
  let ti = typeInfoFromContext 
      stmt = selectStmtFor ti eid
  trace $ "Retrieve " ++ tiTypeName ti ++ " with id " ++ show eid
  resultRowsSqlValues <- quickQuery conn stmt []
  case resultRowsSqlValues of
    [] -> error $ "No " ++ show (typeConstructor ti) ++ " found for id " ++ show eid
    [singleRowSqlValues] -> do
      return $ 
          ("No " ++ show (typeConstructor ti) ++ " found for id " ++ show eid) 
          (buildFromRecord ti singleRowSqlValues :: Maybe a)
    _ -> error $ "More than one entity found for id " ++ show eid

We have already seen the selectStmtFor function in the previous section. But we have two other quite elaborated ingredients to make the retrieveById function work:

-- | This function creates a TypeInfo object from the context of a function call.
--   The Phantom Type parameter `a` is used to convince the compiler that the `TypeInfo a` object really describes type `a`.  
--   See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75171829/how-to-obtain-a-data-data-constr-etc-from-a-type-representation
typeInfoFromContext :: forall a . Data a => TypeInfo a
typeInfoFromContext = 
  let dt = dataTypeOf (undefined :: a)   -- This is the trick to get the type from the context. 
      constr = case dataTypeConstrs dt of
        [cnstr] -> cnstr
        _       -> error "typeInfoFromContext: Only types with one constructor are supported"
      evidence = fromConstr constr :: a  -- this is evidence for the compiler that we have created a value of type `a`
  in typeInfo evidence

This is quite dense, so let’s take it step by step:

First we use dataTypeOf :: a -> DataType to get the DataType object for the type a. As we don’t have a value of type a at hand, we have to take it from thin air. So we use an undefined :: a as parameter. This looks a bit awkward, but seems to be the official way to do it.

Then we use dataTypeConstrs to get a list of DataConstr objects for the type a. If the list contains exactly one constructor, we use it to create a sample value of type a with fromConstr. Otherwise we throw an error.

Finally, this sample value evidence is used to create a TypeInfo a object for the type a. It is important to understand that evidence being of type a forms a proof that the TypeInfo a object really describes the type a from the context of the function.

Cudos to the brilliant people on stackoverflow for the explanation of how to get the DataType object from thin air.

The buildFromRecord function is even a bit more complex. It takes a TypeInfo a object and a list of SqlValue objects and tries to construct an entity of type a from the list of SqlValue objects. If the construction fails, Nothing is returned:

-- | This function takes a `TypeInfo a`and a List of HDBC `SqlValue`s and returns a `Maybe a`.
--  If the construction of an entity fails, Nothing is returned, otherwise Just a.
buildFromRecord :: (Data a) => TypeInfo a -> [SqlValue] -> Maybe a
buildFromRecord ti record = applyConstr ctor dynamicsArgs
    ctor = typeConstructor ti
    types = map fieldType (typeFields ti)
    dynamicsArgs =
        ("buildFromRecord: error in converting record " ++ show record)
        (zipWithM convert types record)

Before we can apply the applyConstr function to instantiate an a value, we have to do some preparation work. The [SqlValue] list contains the values of the fields of the entity as they are coming from the database. In order to use these values to instantiate an a value, we have to convert them to the types of the fields of the entity. In order to use them as list elements we wrap them in Dynamic objects. See also this Haskell Wiki entry on heterogenous collections with Dynamic

-- | convert a SqlValue into a Dynamic value that is backed by a value of the type represented by the SomeTypeRep parameter.
--  If conversion fails, return Nothing.
--  conversion to Dynamic is required to allow the use of fromDynamic in applyConstr
--  see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46992740/how-to-specify-type-of-value-via-typerep
convert :: SomeTypeRep -> SqlValue -> Maybe Dynamic
convert (SomeTypeRep rep) val
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Int) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Int)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Double) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Double)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @String) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: String)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Char) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Char)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @B.ByteString) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: B.ByteString)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Word32) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Word32)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Word64) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Word64)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Int32) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Int32)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Int64) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Int64)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Integer) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Integer)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Bool) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Bool)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @UTCTime) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: UTCTime)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @POSIXTime) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: POSIXTime)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @LocalTime) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: LocalTime)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @ZonedTime) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: ZonedTime)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @TimeOfDay) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: TimeOfDay)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Day) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Day)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @NominalDiffTime) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: NominalDiffTime)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @Ratio) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: Ratio Integer)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @TL.Text) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: TL.Text)
  | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep rep (typeRep @TS.Text) = Just $ toDyn (fromSql val :: TS.Text)
  | otherwise = Nothing

The convert function takes a SomeTypeRep, representing the type of a given entity field, and a SqlValue object and tries to convert the SqlValue to the type represented by SomeTypeRep. If the conversion fails, Nothing is returned. This explicit conversion is needed keep the compiler happy. As you can see the list of supported types already covers most of the types supported by HDBC.

Now we are ready to use the applyConstr function to instantiate an a value. The applyConstr function takes a Constr object and a list of Dynamic objects and tries to construct an entity of type a fromthe list of Dynamic objects. If the construction fails, Nothing is returned.

-- | This function takes a `Constr` and a list of `Dynamic` values and returns a `Maybe a`.
--   If an `a`entity could be constructed, Just a is returned, otherwise Nothing.
--   See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47606189/fromconstrb-or-something-other-useful
--   for Info on how to use fromConstrM
applyConstr :: Data a => Constr -> [Dynamic] -> Maybe a
applyConstr ctor args =
  let nextField :: forall d. Data d => StateT [Dynamic] Maybe d
      nextField = StateT uncons >>= lift . fromDynamic
   in case runStateT (fromConstrM nextField ctor) args of
        Just (x, []) -> Just x
        _            -> Nothing -- runtime type error or too few / too many arguments

The retrieveAll function

This function is used to retrieve all entities of a given type from the database. It takes an HDBC connection as parameter and returns a list of entities of type a. The type a is determined by the context of the function call.

As you can see, thisd function reuses most of the ingredients from retrieveById but just uses a simpler SQL statement to retrieve all entities of a given type:

-- | This function retrieves all entities of type `a` from a database.
--  The function takes an HDBC connection as parameter.
--  The type `a` is determined by the context of the function call.
retrieveAll :: forall a conn. (Data a, IConnection conn) => conn -> IO [a]
retrieveAll conn = do
  let ti = typeInfoFromContext
      stmt = selectAllStmtFor ti
  trace $ "Retrieve all " ++ tiTypeName ti ++ "s"
  resultRowsSqlValues <- quickQuery conn stmt []
  return $ map (expectJust "No entity found") (map (buildFromRecord ti) resultRowsSqlValues :: [Maybe a])

selectAllStmtFor :: TypeInfo a -> String
selectAllStmtFor ti =
    ++ intercalate ", " (fieldNamesFromTypeInfo ti)
    ++ " FROM "
    ++ tiTypeName ti
    ++ ";"

The delete function

This function is used to delete an entity from the database. It takes an HDBC connection and an entity of type a as parameters. It also does not bring anything new to the table. It just uses the deleteStmtFor function to generate the SQL statement to delete the entity from the database:

delete :: (IConnection conn, Data a) => conn -> a -> IO ()
delete conn entity = do
  trace $ "Deleting " ++ typeName entity ++ " with id " ++ entityId entity
  runRaw conn (deleteStmtFor entity)
  commit conn

deleteStmtFor :: Data a => a -> String
deleteStmtFor x =
    ++ show (typeName x)
    ++ " WHERE "
    ++ idColumn ti
    ++ " = "
    ++ fieldValueAsString x (idColumn ti)
    ++ ";"
    ti = typeInfo x


We have learnt ho use Data based Generics to implement a simple persistence library. The user will not have to write any boilerplate code. The library will generate the SQL statements and the code to convert back and forth between the database records and Haskell entities.

The library is by no means complete. Right now it’s just a proof of concept. But it shows that it is possible to use Generics to eliminate a lot of handwritten code in the implementation of a persistence library.

I’m explicitely asking for your feedback here: